Monday, October 8, 2007

8 Random Things Meme -- I was tagged ...

Patricia, over at Readin' N Writin' With Patricia tagged me for the "8 Random Things" meme. First, I relay the rules of the meme; so, here they are:

** Players offer eight random habits/facts about themselves.
** If you're tagged, write your own blog about your eight things and post these rules.
** At the end of your blog post, choose someone to tag (supposed to be eight but however many you can do is fine, no tag police will come get you) - and list their names.
(and not mentioned in that list, but it might not be a bad idea, let each of them know you've tagged them.)

Now, for the list of random things about me:

Just eight?

1) I'm taking two Laity courses at one of the seminaries within commuting distance; everyone keeps asking me if I'm a regular student there. Years ago I worked as a church secretary and the pastor occasionally teased me and asked when I was going to seminary. Well, I'm "sort of" there but right now, I'm fairly certain that my calling is not into pastoral ministry. What it is, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure it is not that.

2) Keeping with Patricia's food-related items in her list: I had two oatmeal cookies for breakfast, during the cookie break in the early class. **snicker** They was really good. Maybe not as healthy as a bowl of oatmeal by itself but much tastier! LOL.

3) I just spent an awesome weekend at a regional retreat/gathering for the direct sales business I'm in selling rubber stamps and scrapbook supplies. We had 25 totally wonderful projects (except for the ultra-fine glitter which I somehow manage to get into my eyes in the following six months after using it for two minutes -- it just seems to cling to me even after a gazillion showers. Might be a "static" thing, I dunno.) We did trades -- everyone that participated made gorgeous cards except me. I cheated and stamped on Avery address labels, wrapped them around Hershey's chocolate "Nuggets." Got away with it because just about everyone loves chocolate.

4) I'm signed up for sessions of the eMuse Muse It Up Writers' Conference on-line this week. It started today and I'm already way behind.

5) And I'm starting a "Blogger Bootcamp" for people in the rubber stamp direct sales business tomorrow (oops, probably tonight by now) night. Do you think I might need a secretary to schedule my time for me in a more even-keeled manner? LOL.

6) I've won some books recently. WOO HOO!!! And as soon as I receive them, I plan to read them. And then I will probably turn around and pass them on through one of my blogs; "pay it forward" as they say.

7) Have you ever wondered who "they" are? I've decided that "they" are the same little guys that live inside concrete blocks that chew bubble gum and blow bubbles just as you paint over it, creating the irregular surface. (Um, honest, it was my college roommate who "invented" the little people of the concrete blocks -- I've just co-opted them to become the "scapegoats" of all things "they" related.)

8) But, I will admit to telling tall tales and attempting to get people to believe me. Like, did you know it is fattening to just breathe? Yeah, it is. Scientists (from the Committee of They, I'm sure) have discovered that due to particles in the air (say, of dust, dirt, pollen, etc.) that every breath of air adds minuscule micrograms to our weight when those particles become lodged in the lungs. Also, air pollution has been found to be caloric in nature.

Now, I am supposed to tag eight people. Hmmm ...
I think I will come back and edit the post to add them in the next day or two ...

1 comment:

PatriciaW said...

So that's why losing weight is such a struggle! Now if I just stop breathing...

Thanks for being a good sport and playing along!